Saturday 11 February 2012

How to prevent salmonella infection

Salmonella disease is found in egg,tomatoes,seafood,diary products,milk,poultry,meat e.t.c which can cause other disease and may leads to death. It was first found in tomatoes(red round tomatoes and red roma) and later found in other foods like meat,egg,fruits,vegetables,seafood,milk,poultry,diary products,ice cream, cookie dough. It can cause diarrhoea(which may be bloody),fever,nausea,vomiting and abdominal pain. Serious and potentially fatal caser are more likely in young children,frail or elderly people and people with weak immune systems. Salmonella bacteria linked to human and animal faeces can contaminate water,soil and the surface of tomatoes. Bacterial contamination could occur anywhere along the food chain, from growing fields with inadequate sanitary facilities or dirty irrigation water restaurant cutting board. It is advisable to wash the surface of fruits and vegetables before eating to reduce the risk of illness. To prevent salmonella
infection, some measures have to be taken. First of all, wash hands with soap and warm water before and handling them, wash produce thoroughly under running water,not in a tab or sink, use a clean cutting board and utensils,dnt let produce come in contact with other raw foods or surfaces they have touched. You can also prevent salmonella by being careful when preparing and storing food. Be especially careful when cooking or heating perishable foods such as eggs, meats,poultry,shellfish,milk. Extra care must also be taken if you are pregnant or preparing foods for children or older people. Reading food labels and following instructions will reduce your chances of being ill. Pls when in doubt, throw it away. Also reheating contaminated food will not make it safe. Dnt taste suspicious food...... You may share this article with your friends to spread the awareness of salmonella infection

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